What's in your Kitchen: Robin Goldstein

See what chef and cookbook author, Robin Goldstein keeps in her kitchen
June 14, 2022
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What is your kitchen style? I guess a bit of traditional modern with a rustic twist.

What is your favorite kitchen gadget? My Cuisinart food processor and my Instant Pot. I use them every day.

What is your absolute must-have pantry item? Dried beans—I can make any dish from beans: soup, salad, a dip, a main course.

What is a favorite trendy tool? Honestly, I haven’t bought anything new or trendy for my kitchen in quite a while, but I am considering a food cycler to reduce my household waste and break down/compost food scraps and turn them into fertilizer.

Most-used spice other than salt and pepper? Toasted fennel seeds.

Tell us something about your kitchen that would surprise most people. I have never owned a microwave. (I don’t have a TV either.)

What ingredients live on your counter? Lemons, ginger and honey.

Favorite local ingredient? Pixie tangerines from Ojai.

Most used/favorite pan? My three-quart All-Clad saucepot.

What is your favorite blade? A new Messermeister offset serrated knife.