Preserve the Season
Every culture in the world has some kind of fermentation in its food history. In fact, fermentation is the most ancient form of food preservation, with evidence of some form of beer, wine, cheese and ...
Place sprouts, mixed herbs, peppercorns and garlic in 1-quart glass Mason jar, leaving about 2 inches headroom. Set aside.
Whisk salt and 2 cups water in a bowl until salt is almost dissolved, making a brine.
Pour 2 cups brine over sprouts; place 4-ounce Mason jar (without lid) on top of the sprouts to keep them submerged. Drape a large kitchen towel over the jar and let sit at room temperature (ideally 70°–75°) until sprouts have cured to taste, about 3–4 weeks. Once sprout kraut is soured, cover jar with lid and refrigerate for up to 6 months.
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