Kernza's Ventura Connection
In this issue's Patagonia Provisions article, it mentions Kernza®, a perennial grain hybridized with an intermediate wheatgrass related to wheat.Turns out, there's a Ventura County link to the perennial grain. In 2008, Henry Tarmy of Ventura Spirits worked at the Land Institute with Wes Jackson on the 50-Year Farm Bill project.
"When we started this distillery in 2013, Kernza was one of the inputs we were most excited to work with. We're getting set now to put up our first commercial scale batches of Kernza whiskey. In general terms, we're very interested in re-asserting distilled spirits' place as distinctly agricultural and natural products (rather than industrial), uniquely well-suited to preserve the value of farm products, divert waste streams and reflect the character of a region. Conventional agricultural inputs are almost ubiquitous in the world of liquor, and our aim is to demonstrate an alternative model."