In the Winter 2024-2025 Issue

By Tami Chu | Last Updated November 26, 2024
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Publisher's Post

Publishing a quarterly magazine means that stories must be planned and executed months before we go to print, though details can be fixed and updated all the way up to two weeks before. Writing this letter to you is always the last thing I do, just so I can see how the issue has come together and be able to speak to it.

I knew there would be some tension after the election, no matter who won, but I had no idea that the results would be overshadowed nearly immediately by yet another awful fire in our county. I happened to be out of town during the worst of the Mountain Fire, so could only watch helplessly from afar as the flames threatened and overtook locations we have been to or covered in the magazine.

Eduardo “Eddie” Flores of Ventura Bee Rescue lost upwards of 80 million bees in Somis and has devastating video that documents the loss. Mulberry Lane Farm lost outbuildings and suffered damage to their unique orchards, though their house was spared. Apricot Lane Farms neighbor and orchard manager John Schoustra, co-owner of Greenwood Daylily Gardens, lost outbuildings and huge swaths of his orchards. As of this writing, the combined acreage of destroyed avocados, citrus, raspberries and rangeland numbers in the thousands.

Additionally, more than 300 structures have been confirmed lost with so many more suffering smoke or partial damage.

As life-altering as this has been for thousands of Ventura County residents, it is unlikely to qualify for FEMA support. Which brings us back, once again, to our community. Before there was even any containment of the fire, our community had mobilized and begun collecting donations. Go Fund Me campaigns were started and nearly or fully funded within days. (To donate, search “Mountain Fire” on

In short, our community, no matter how divided politically, showed its true colors once again. We are people who care about other people. In crisis, we come together at no small sacrifice. And we are all better for it.

The stories in this issue all offer a little glimpse of that same spirit— community, connection, openness and support—because that is who we are, no matter where we go. I encourage you to keep that top of mind as we navigate the next months and years. And remember: Food connects us all. May this season be one of shared meals and profound compassion.

Until spring, my friends,


  • For more information on Mountain Fire recovery visit To support victims of the Mountain Fire, please visit

Congratulations to photographer Mariah Green whose series of fish taco photos taken for our Spring 2023 issue was named as finalist in the Best of Edible Awards for BEST RECIPE PHOTOGRAPHY!

Congratulations to photographer Viktor Budnik whose photos for our Ojai Ice Cream story in the Summer 2023 issue was named as finalist in the Best of Edible Awards for BEST FEATURE PHOTOGRAPHY!

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