By / Photography By | March 05, 2018


If you love the taste of artichokes but are intimidated by how to prep them for dinner or a recipe, follow these steps.

1 Wash and dry artichoke.

2 In a large bowl, combine 3 cups water with 1 tablespoon lemon juice. (Submerge artichoke in lemon water between each step to ensure the artichoke’s flesh doesn’t brown.)

3 Remove lower petals (also called the leaves) with a sharp knife.

4 Trim the base of the stem nearly flush with the bottom of the artichoke.

5 Cut off the top third of the artichoke.

6 Trim the tips of any remaining spiky petals with scissors.

7 Slice artichoke vertically in half and remove center choke (all the fuzzy hairs, and purple and white inner petals) with a spoon.

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